(1) A health care benefit manager must file all contracts and contract amendments between a provider, pharmacy, pharmacy services administration organization, or other health care benefit manager entered into directly or indirectly in support of a contract with a carrier or employee benefits program within thirty days following the effective date of the contract or contract amendment. If a health care benefit manager negotiates, amends, or modifies a contract or a compensation agreement that deviates from a filed agreement, then the health care benefit manager must file that negotiated, amended, or modified contract or agreement with the commissioner within thirty days following the effective date. The commissioner must receive the filings electronically in accordance with this chapter.
(2) Health care benefit managers must maintain health care benefit management contracts at its principal place of business in the state, or the health care benefit manager must have access to all contracts and provide copies to facilitate regulatory review upon twenty days prior written notice from the commissioner.
(3) Health care benefit manager contracts and compensation agreements must clearly set forth provider network names and applicable compensation agreements associated with those networks so that the provider or facility can understand their participation as an in-network provider and the reimbursement to be paid. The format of such contracts and agreements may include a list or other format acceptable to the commissioner so that a reasonable person will understand and be able to identify their participation and the reimbursement to be paid as a contracted provider in each provider network.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
48.02.060 and
48.200.900. WSR 21-02-034, ยง 284-180-460, filed 12/29/20, effective 1/1/22.]