PDFWAC 308-391-505

Search responses.

Reports created in response to a search request include the following:
(1) Copies. If copies are requested, copies of all UCC records retrieved by a debtor name search are provided unless only limited copies are requested by the searcher. Copies may reflect redaction of certain personal identifying information. The filing office cannot provide copies with a search by secured party name.
(2) Introductory information. The filing office includes the following information with a search response:
(a) Identification of the agency director responsible for the search report.
(b) Unique number that identifies the search report.
(c) The date and time the report was generated.
(d) The date on or prior to which a UCC record must have been filed with the filing office for it to be reflected on the search.
(e) Certification language: "The Director certifies that the following list and attached copies, if any, are a true and exact representation of all financing statements and non-UCC liens for the name searched, as filed with the Department of Licensing, Uniform Commercial Code Program, as of the through date shown above."
(f) Search logic disclaimer language: "A search limited to a particular city, range of dates, or file number may not reveal all records against a name searched. The searcher bears the risk of relying on such a search result."
(g) Name provided by the searcher to be searched.
(h) Search string. The name searched after modifications made as provided by WAC 308-391-503.
(i) Lien type searched. Identifies the types of records included: All UCC records, or Ag liens, or non-UCC records.
(j) Scope of search: Indicates whether it includes only unlapsed, or all active records.
(k) Search logic used: RA-9 standard search logic is used in all certified searches.
(l) Copies. When requested, copies of records will be attached to a certified search report, but the individual copies will not be certified. The requestor may specify certain copies related to one specific debtor name.
(3) Report. The body of the search report will contain the following:
(a) Identification of record. Identification of each initial financing statement and non-UCC lien, including a listing of all related amendments, correction statements, or filing officer notices, filed on or prior to the through date corresponding to the search criteria. Financing statement information includes, but is not limited to the following:
Initial financing statement or lien file number.
The date and time the financing statement or lien was filed.
The lapse date as calculated as of the through date and time.
The debtor name(s) that appear(s) on record.
The debtor address(es) that appear(s) on record.
The secured party name(s) that appear(s) on record.
The secured party address(es) that appear(s) on record.
An indication of the type of each amendment, if any.
The date and time each amendment was filed, if any.
The amendment file number of each amendment, if any.
The date and time a correction statement was filed, if any.
The date and time a filing officer statement was filed, if any.
(b) A unique number assigned to the search report.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9A-526, chapters 60.68, 60.13, and 9A.82 RCW. WSR 09-12-067, ยง 308-391-505, filed 5/29/09, effective 6/29/09.]