For higher education employees, the seniority date is determined as follows:
(1) In accordance with the employer's layoff procedure. The employer's layoff procedure must specify a uniform method for determining the seniority date for employees of the higher education institution or related board who are covered by the civil service rules.
(2) Employees on military leave as provided in WAC
357-31-370 must not have their seniority date adjusted for the time spent on military leave without pay.
(3) Employees on leave without pay as authorized by a proclamation issued by the governor directly related to health and safety must not have their seniority date adjusted for the time spent on leave without pay.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
41.06 RCW. WSR 21-18-038, § 357-46-053, filed 8/24/21, effective 9/24/21; WSR 05-12-075, § 357-46-053, filed 5/27/05, effective 7/1/05.]