PDFWAC 365-191-310

Submittal of proposed regulations to the department for certification.

(1) The department will provide a checklist of materials that must be included with the submittal of proposed regulations for certification. The checklist will not create new or additional requirements beyond the provisions of this chapter. At a minimum, the submittal must include the entire public record of the county development regulation adoption process, including:
(a) Proposed regulations;
(b) Evidence of adequate public notice;
(c) Evidence of compliance with chapter 43.21C RCW, (SEPA);
(d) Copies of all public written comments received, including a record of names and addresses of interested parties involved in the local government review process;
(e) Planning commission findings and recommendations;
(f) Adopted resolutions, if any, of the county legislative body; and
(g) Meeting minutes and public testimony.
(2) Counties are encouraged to forward proposed regulations that have been reviewed and recommended by the planning commission, with subsequent review by the county legislative body. The county legislative body should review the planning commission recommendation and, by a vote of the county legislative body, must forward proposed regulations to the department for certification. A county should not forward regulations that have been formally adopted.
(3) The department will review the submittal and make a determination of completeness. The county will be notified in writing of incomplete submittals, with direction from the department concerning missing or inadequate materials. Once the department issues a determination of completeness, it has ninety days to either approve or deny certification.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 36.70A.735(3) and 36.70A.190. WSR 15-20-041, ยง 365-191-310, filed 9/29/15, effective 10/30/15.]