(1) The department assigns a base number of hours to each classification group as described in WAC
(2) The department will adjust base hours to account for informal supports and age appropriate functioning (as those terms are defined in WAC
388-106-0010), and other paid services that meet some of an individual's need for personal care services:
(a) The CARE tool determines the adjustment for informal supports and age appropriate functioning. A numeric value is assigned to the status and/or assistance available coding for ADLs and IADLs based on the table below. The base hours assigned to each classification group are adjusted by the numeric value in subsection (b) below.
Meds | Status | Assistance Available | Numeric Value |
Medication Management The rules to the right apply for all Self Performance codes except independent which is not counted as a qualifying ADL | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Decline | N/A | 0 |
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 |
Partially met | <1/4 time | .9 |
1/4 to 1/2 time | .7 |
1/2 to 3/4 time | .5 |
˃3/4 time | .3 |
Unscheduled ADLs | Status | Assistance Available | Value |
Bed mobility, transfer, walk in room, eating, toilet use The rules to the right apply for all Self Performance codes except: Did not occur/client not able and Did not occur/no provider = 1; Did not occur/client declined and independent are not counted as qualifying ADLs | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Decline | N/A | 0 |
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 |
Partially met | <1/4 time | .9 |
1/4 to 1/2 time | .7 |
1/2 to 3/4 time | .5 |
˃3/4 time | .3 |
Scheduled ADLs | Status | Assistance Available | Value |
Dressing, personal hygiene, bathing The rules to the right apply for all Self Performance codes except: Did not occur/client not able and Did not occur/no provider = 1; Did not occur/client declined and independent which are not counted as qualifying ADLs | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Decline | N/A | 0 |
Age appropriate functioning | N/A | 0 |
Partially met | <1/4 time | .75 |
1/4 to 1/2 time | .55 |
1/2 to 3/4 time | .35 |
˃3/4 time | .15 |
IADLs | Status | Assistance Available | Value |
Meal preparation, Ordinary housework, Essential shopping The rules to the right apply for all Self Performance codes except independent is not counted as a qualifying IADL | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Decline | N/A | 0 |
Child under (age) (see subsection (7)) | N/A | 0 |
Partially met | <1/4 time | .3 |
1/4 to 1/2 time | .2 |
1/2 to 3/4 time | .1 |
˃3/4 time | .05 |
IADLs | Status | Assistance Available | Value |
Travel to medical The rules to the right apply for all Self Performance codes except independent which is not counted as a qualifying IADL | Unmet | N/A | 1 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Decline | N/A | 0 |
Child under (age) (see subsection (7)) | N/A | 0 |
Partially met | <1/4 time | .9 |
1/4 to 1/2 time | .7 |
1/2 to 3/4 time | .5 |
˃3/4 time | .3 |
Key: ˃ means greater than; < means less than
(b) To determine the amount adjusted for informal support or age appropriate functioning, the numeric values are totaled and divided by the number of qualifying ADLs and IADLs needs. The result is value A. Value A is then subtracted from one. This is value B. Value B is divided by three. This is value C. Value A and Value C are summed. This is value D. Value D is multiplied by the "base hours" assigned to your classification group and the result is the number of adjusted in-home hours. Values are rounded to the nearest hundredths (e.g., .862 is rounded to .86).
(3) Effective July 1, 2012, after adjustments are made to your base hours, as described in subsection (2), the department may add on hours based on off-site laundry, living more than forty-five minutes from essential services, and wood supply, as follows:
Condition | Status | Assistance Available | Add On Hours |
Offsite laundry facilities, which means the client does not have facilities in own home and the caregiver is not available to perform any other personal or household tasks while laundry is done. The status used for the rules to the right is for housekeeping. | Unmet | N/A | 8 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Declines | N/A | 0 |
Child under (age) (see subsection (7)) | N/A | 0 |
Partially met: | <1/4 time | 8 |
between 1/4 to 1/2 time | 6 |
between 1/2 to 3/4 time | 4 |
˃3/4 time | 2 |
Client is ˃45 minutes from essential services (which means he/she lives more than 45 minutes one-way from a full-service market). The status used for the rules to the right is essential shopping. | Unmet | N/A | 5 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Declines | N/A | 0 |
Child under (age) (see subsection (7)) | N/A | 0 |
Partially met | <1/4 time | 5 |
between 1/4 to 1/2 time | 4 |
between 1/2 to 3/4 time | 3 |
˃3/4 time | 2 |
Wood supply used as sole source of heat. | Unmet | N/A | 8 |
Met | N/A | 0 |
Declines | N/A | 0 |
Child under (age) (see subsection (7)) | N/A | 0 |
Partially met | <1/4 time | 8 |
between 1/4 to 1/2 time | 6 |
between 1/2 to 3/4 time | 4 |
˃3/4 time | 2 |
(4) In the case of New Freedom consumer directed services (NFCDS), the department determines the monthly budget available as described in WAC
(5) The result of adjustments under subsections (2) and (3) is the maximum number of hours that can be used to develop your plan of care. The department must take into account cost effectiveness, client health and safety, and program limits in determining how hours can be used to address your identified needs. In the case of New Freedom consumer directed services (NFCDS), a New Freedom spending plan (NFSP) is developed in place of a plan of care.
(6) If you are eligible, your hours may be used to authorize the following services:
(a) Personal care services from a home care agency provider and/or an individual provider.
(b) Home delivered meals (i.e. a half hour from the available hours for each meal authorized) per WAC
(c) Adult day care (i.e. a half hour from the available hours for each hour of day care authorized) per WAC
(d) A home health aide (i.e., one hour from the available hours for each hour of home health aide authorized) per WAC
(e) A private duty nurse (PDN) if you are eligible per WAC
388-106-1010 or
182-551-3000 (i.e. one hour from the available hours for each hour of PDN authorized).
(f) The purchase of New Freedom consumer directed services (NFCDS).
(7) If you are a child applying for personal care services:
(a) The department presumes that children have legally responsible parents or other responsible adults who provide informal support for the child's ADLs, IADLs and other needs. The department will not provide services or supports that are within the range of activities that a legally responsible parent or other responsible adult would ordinarily perform on behalf of a child of the same age who does not have a disability or chronic illness.
(b) The department will complete a CARE assessment and use the developmental milestones tables below when assessing your ability to perform personal care tasks.
(c) Your status will be coded as age appropriate for ADLs when your self performance is at a level expected for persons in your assessed age range, as indicated by the developmental milestones table in subpart (e), unless the circumstances in subpart (d) below apply.
(d) The department will code status as other than age appropriate for an ADL, despite your self performance falling within the developmental age range for the ADL on the developmental milestones table in subpart (e) below, if the department determines during your assessment that your level of functioning is related to your disability and not primarily due to your age and the frequency and/or the duration of assistance required for a personal care task is not typical for a person of your age.
Developmental Milestones for Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) |
ADL | Self-Performance | Developmental Age Range |
Medication Management | Independent Self-Directed Assistance Required | Child under 18 years of age |
| Must Be Administered | Child under 12 years of age |
Locomotion in Room | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive | Child under 4 years of age |
| Total | Child under 13 months of age |
Locomotion Outside Room | Independent Supervision | Child under 6 years of age |
Limited Extensive | Child under 4 years of age |
| Total | Child under 25 months of age |
Walk in Room | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive | Child under 4 years of age |
| Total | Child under 19 months of age |
Bed Mobility | Independent Supervision Limited | Child under 37 months of age |
| Extensive | Child under 25 months of age |
| Total | Child under 19 months of age |
Transfers | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive | Child under 3 years of age |
| Total | Child under 19 months of age |
Toilet Use | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive | Child under 7 years of age |
| Total | Child under 37 months of age |
Eating | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive | Child under 3 years of age |
| Total | Child under 13 months of age |
Bathing | Independent Supervision | Child under 12 years of age |
| Physical help/Transfer only | Child under 5 years of age |
| Physical help/part of bathing | Child under 6 years of age |
| Total | Child under 37 months of age |
Dressing | Independent Supervision | Child under 12 years of age |
| Limited | Child under 8 years of age |
| Extensive | Child under 7 years of age |
| Total | Child under 25 months of age |
Personal Hygiene | Independent Supervision | Child under 12 years of age |
| Limited Extensive | Child under 7 years of age |
| Total | Child under 37 months of age |
(f) For IADLs, the department presumes that children typically have legally responsible parents or other responsible adults to assist with IADLs. Status will be coded as "child under (age)" the age indicated by the developmental milestones table for IADLs in subpart (h) unless the circumstances in subpart (g) below apply. (For example, a sixteen year old child coded as supervision in self-performance for telephone would be coded "child under eighteen.")
(g) If the department determines during your assessment that the frequency and/or the duration of assistance required is not typical for a person of your age due to your disability or your level of functioning, the department will code status as other than described in subpart (h) for an IADL.
Developmental Milestones for Instrumental Activities of Daily Living |
IADL | Self- Performance | Developmental Age Range |
Finances Telephone Wood Supply | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive Total | Child under 18 |
Transportation | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive | Child under 18 |
| Total | Child under 16 |
Essential Shopping Housework Meal Prep | Independent Supervision Limited Extensive | Child under 18 |
Total | Child under 12 |
(i) The department presumes that children have legally responsible parents or other responsible adults who provide support for comprehension, decision-making, memory and continence issues. These items will be coded as indicated by the additional developmental milestones table in subpart (k) unless the circumstances in subpart (j) below apply.
(j) If the department determines during your assessment that due to your disability, the support you are provided for comprehension, decision making, memory and continence issues is substantially greater than is typical for a person of your age, the department will code status as other than described in subpart (k) below.
Additional Developmental Milestones coding within CARE |
Name of CARE panel | Question in CARE Panel | Developmental Milestone coding selection | Developmental Age Range |
Speech/Hearing: Comprehension | "By others client is" | Child under 3 | Child under 3 |
Psych Social: MMSE | "Can MMSE be administered?" | = No | Child under 18 |
Psych Social: Memory/ Short Term | "Recent memory" | Child under 12 | Child under 12 |
Psych Social: Memory/ Long Term | "Long Term memory" | Child under 12 | Child under 12 |
Psych Social: Depression | "Interview" | Unable to obtain | Child under 12 |
Psych Social: Decision Making | "Rate how client makes decision" | Child under 12 | Child under 12 |
Bladder/Bowel: | "Bladder/Bowel Control" is which of the following: | | |
| Continent Usually Continent Occasionally Incontinent | Age appropriate | Child under 12 |
| Frequently Incontinent | Age appropriate | Child under 9 |
| Incontinent all or most of the time | Age appropriate | Child under 6 |
Bladder/Bowel: | "Appliance and programs" | Potty Training | Child under 4 |
(8) If you are a child applying for personal care services and your status for ADLs and IADLs is not coded per the developmental age range indicated on the milestones tables under subsection (7), the department will assess for any informal supports available to assist you with each ADL and IADL. The department will presume that children have legally responsible parents or other responsible adults who provide informal support to them.
(a) The department will code status for an ADL or IADL as met if your assessment shows that your need for assistance with a personal care task is fully met by informal supports.
(b) Informal supports for school-age children include supports actually available through a school district, regardless of whether you take advantage of those available supports.
(c) When you are living with your legally responsible parent(s), the department will presume that you have informal supports available to assist you with your ADL and IADLs over three-fourths but not all the time. Legally responsible parents include natural parents, step parents, and adoptive parents. Generally, a legally responsible parent will not be considered unavailable to meet your personal care needs simply due to other obligations such as work or additional children because such obligations do not decrease the parent's legal responsibility to care for you regardless of your disabilities. However, the department will consider factors that cannot reasonably be avoided and which prevent a legally responsible parent from providing for your personal care needs when determining the amount of informal support available to you. You may rebut the department's presumption by providing specific information during your assessment to indicate why you do not have informal supports available at least three-fourths of time to assist you with a particular ADL or IADL.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
74.09.520. WSR 21-04-037, § 388-106-0130, filed 1/26/21, effective 3/1/21; WSR 15-20-054, § 388-106-0130, filed 9/30/15, effective 10/31/15; WSR 14-04-097, § 388-106-0130, filed 2/4/14, effective 3/7/14. Statutory Authority: RCW
74.09.520, and 2010 c 37. WSR 11-11-024, § 388-106-0130, filed 5/10/11, effective 6/10/11. Statutory Authority: RCW
74.09.520. WSR 08-23-011, § 388-106-0130, filed 11/6/08, effective 12/7/08; WSR 08-03-111, § 388-106-0130, filed 1/22/08, effective 2/22/08. Statutory Authority: RCW
74.39A.030. WSR 06-16-035, § 388-106-0130, filed 7/25/06, effective 8/25/06. Statutory Authority: RCW
74.39A.010 and
74.39A.020. WSR 06-05-022, § 388-106-0130, filed 2/6/06, effective 3/9/06. Statutory Authority: RCW
74.09.520. WSR 05-11-082, § 388-106-0130, filed 5/17/05, effective 6/17/05.]