PDFWAC 388-106-1740

What are my rights when I receive supportive housing services in a setting owned by a service provider?

(1) In a provider owned supportive housing setting, you have the right to:
(a) A lease or legally enforceable agreement that provides you with the same responsibilities and protection from eviction that tenants have under landlord tenant law;
(b) Privacy in your living unit, including a lock on your door;
(c) A choice of roommates, if you choose to have a roommate;
(d) Decorate your living unit within the parameters of your lease agreement;
(e) Control your schedule and choose the activities you participate in; and
(f) Have visitors when you choose.
(2) Before the supportive housing services provider may change any of your rights under subsection (1) of this section, the supportive housing services provider must:
(a) Obtain your consent to make a change to one of your rights;
(b) Discuss with you the specific assessed need that the change is based on;
(c) Try positive interventions and less intrusive ways to deal with the specific assessed need and then review these with you;
(d) Document the discussion and the change to be made; and
(e) Provide this documentation to you and your case manager.
(3) The supportive housing services provider and your case manager must review with you any modifications to your rights as described in subsection (2) of this section at least yearly to determine if it is still effective and needed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.08.283 and 74.08.390. WSR 17-11-016, ยง 388-106-1740, filed 5/9/17, effective 6/9/17.]