(2) The department may deny or terminate your MAC or TSOA services if, after exhaustion of standard case management activities and the approaches delineated in the department's challenging cases protocol that must include an attempt to reasonably accommodate your disability or disabilities, one or more of the following conditions exist:
(a) Your rights and responsibilities as a client of the department are reviewed with you by a department representative under WAC
388-106-1300 and
388-106-1303, and you refuse to accept those services identified in your care plan that are vital to your health, welfare, or safety.
(b) You choose to receive services in your own home and you or others in your home demonstrate behaviors that are substantially likely to cause serious harm to you or your care provider.
(c) You choose to receive services in your own home and hazardous conditions in or immediately around your home jeopardize the health, safety, or welfare of you or your provider. Hazardous conditions include but are not limited to the following:
(i) Threatening, uncontrolled animals (such as dogs);
(ii) The manufacture, sale, or use of illegal drugs;
(iii) The presence of hazardous materials (such as exposed sewage, evidence of a methamphetamine lab).
(3) The department may terminate services if the department does not receive consent of the care plan within sixty days of the completion of your care plan. Written consent for step one and step two care plans may be provided by secure email or other electronic means.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
74.08.090. WSR 18-08-033, ยง 388-106-1980, filed 3/27/18, effective 4/27/18.]