PDFWAC 388-107-1422

Denial, suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of license statutorily required.

(1) The department must deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew an enhanced services facility license if any person described in subsection (2) of this section is found by the department to have:
(i) A court has issued a permanent restraining order or order of protection, either active or expired, against the person that was based upon abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult;
(ii) The individual is a registered sex offender;
(iii) The individual is on a registry based upon a final finding of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult, unless the finding was made by adult protective services prior to October 2003;
(iv) A founded finding of abuse or neglect of a child was made against the person, unless the finding was made by child protective services prior to October 1, 1998;
(v) The individual was found in any dependency action to have sexually assaulted or exploited any child or to have physically abused any child;
(vi) The individual was found by a court in a domestic relations proceeding under Title 26 RCW, or under any comparable state or federal law, to have sexually abused or exploited any child or to have physically abused any child;
(vii) The person has had a contract or license denied, terminated, revoked, or suspended due to abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult; or
(viii) The person has relinquished a license or terminated a contract because an agency was taking an action against the individual related to alleged abuse, neglect, financial exploitation or mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult.
(2) This section applies to any enhanced services facility:
(a) Applicant;
(b) Partner, officer or director;
(c) Manager or managerial employee; or
(d) Owner of five percent or more of the applicant:
(i) Who is involved in the operation of the enhanced services facility; or
(ii) Who controls or supervises the provision of care or services to the enhanced services facility residents; or
(iii) Who exercises control over daily operations.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.97 RCW. WSR 14-19-071, ยง 388-107-1422, filed 9/12/14, effective 10/13/14.]