PDFWAC 388-113-0101

What are the possible results of a background check?

(1) The requesting entity will receive a background check result. The background check result by itself does not include criminal history record information but identifies the source of any criminal or negative action records. The possible types of results are:
(a) A "no record" letter, which means none of the background check data sources reported criminal or negative action records and there are no background check records to be reviewed; 
(b) A "review required" letter, which means the applicant or one or more data sources reported a background issue that requires a character, competence, and suitability review by the department or authorized entity to determine whether or not the applicant can work in a position that may have unsupervised access to minors or vulnerable adults; or
(c) A "disqualify" letter, which means the applicant or one or more data sources reported a background issue that automatically disqualifies the applicant from a position that has unsupervised access to minors or vulnerable adults. 
(2) The requesting entity may receive an "additional information" letter, which means the applicant or one or more data sources reported information in a manner that is unclear and BCCU requires clarifying information from the applicant before the background check can be completed. An additional information letter is not a result. If the individual receives an "additional information" letter:
(a) The individual may not be contracted or begin working in a position that has unsupervised access until the requesting entity has a non-disqualifying result from the name and date of birth check; or 
(b) If the additional information letter is the result of a pending fingerprint check, the individual is not automatically disqualified, and may work as described in WAC 388-113-0109.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520, 43.43.832, 74.39A.270, 74.39A.056, 74.39A.074, 43.20A.710, 74.39A.525, 43.43.842, 74.39A.326, 74.39A.515, 74.39A.505, 18.88B.021, 43.43.837 and 2018 c 278. WSR 21-18-081, ยง 388-113-0101, filed 8/30/21, effective 10/1/21.]