PDFWAC 388-113-0105

When must background check results and criminal history information be shared with the applicant?

The requesting entity must:
(1) Notify the applicant of the background check result;
(2) Inform the applicant they may have a copy of their results and criminal history record information when the entity has it; and
(3) Provide a copy of results and criminal history record information when the entity has it, if requested. The applicant may also contact BCCU at BCCUInquiry@dshs.wa.gov.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090, 74.09.520, 43.43.832, 74.39A.270, 74.39A.056, 74.39A.074, 43.20A.710, 74.39A.525, 43.43.842, 74.39A.326, 74.39A.515, 74.39A.505, 18.88B.021, 43.43.837 and 2018 c 278. WSR 21-18-081, ยง 388-113-0105, filed 8/30/21, effective 10/1/21.]