(1) The superintendent or designee from the branch campus shall serve on the core campus host district council.
(2) The branch campus shall:
(a) Receive interdistrict cooperative approval from the superintendent of public instruction as described in WAC
(b) Have programs reviewed and approved by the core campus host district before submitting to the superintendent of public instruction, career and technical education.
(3) A skill center branch campus may submit a request to the superintendent of public instruction, career and technical education, to be considered as a skill center core campus if it meets the following standards:
(a) Develops interdistrict agreements that meet the standards in WAC
(b) Meets or has a plan to meet the enrollment requirements in WAC
(c) Provides a minimum of three approved instructional programs;
(d) Receives a written release from the core campus.
(4) A branch campus may not establish a branch campus or a satellite program.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.245.030. WSR 10-04-010, ยง 392-600-100, filed 1/22/10, effective 2/22/10.]