(1) If an employer provides additional salary based upon the member's level of education that payment is based upon the attributes of the individual and is not attached to the position. It is a special salary or wage and is not basic salary.
Example: | An employer employs two different law enforcement officers in the position of sergeant. Although their duties are the same, one sergeant receives 3% more in salary than the other because she has a bachelor's degree which the other lacks. The additional 3% is not attached to the position because it is not attached to any additional duties. It is not basic salary for LEOFF Plan I. |
(2) Payments conditioned upon acquiring and maintaining a designated certification such as emergency medical technician are a form of educational premium pay. The payment is based upon the attributes of the individual and is not attached to the position. It is a special salary or wage and is not basic salary.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
41.50.050 and
41.50.055. WSR 97-01-016, ยง 415-104-3301, filed 12/6/96, effective 1/6/97.]