PDFWAC 415-104-624

Vascular system.

The following conditions of the vascular system are causes for rejection of membership:
(1) Congenital or acquired lesions of the aorta and major vessels, such as syphilitic aortitis, demonstrable atherosclerosis which interferes with circulation, congenital or acquired dilatation of the aorta (especially is associated with other features of Marfan's syndrome), and pronounced dilatation of the main pulmonary artery;
(2) Hypertension evidenced by preponderant blood pressure readings of 150-mm or more systolic in an individual over thirty-five years of age or preponderant readings of 140-mm or more systolic in an individual thirty-five years of age or less. Preponderant diastolic pressure over 90-mm diastolic is cause for rejection at any age;
(3) Marked circulatory instability as indicated by orthostatic hypotension, persistent tachycardia, severe peripheral vasomotor disturbances, and sympatheticotonia;
(4) Peripheral vascular disease including Raynaud's phenomena, Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans), erythromelalgia, arteriosclerotic and diabetic vascular diseases. Special tests will be employed in doubtful cases;
(5) Thrombophlebitis:
(a) History of thrombophlebitis with persistent thrombus or evidence of circulatory obstruction or deep venous incompetence in the involved veins;
(b) Recurrent thrombophlebitis;
(6) Varicose veins, if more than mild, or if associated with edema, skin ulceration, or residual scars from ulceration.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050(6) and 41.50.090. WSR 78-03-023 (Order IV), ยง 415-104-624, filed 2/15/78. Formerly WAC 297-50-130.]