PDFWAC 415-104-690

Skin and cellular tissues.

The following conditions of the skin and cellular tissues are causes for rejection of membership:
(1) Acne: Severe, when the face is markedly disfigured, or when extensive involvement of the neck, shoulders, chest, or back would be aggravated by or interfere with the wearing of required equipment;
(2) Atopic dermatitis: With active or residual lesions in characteristic areas (face and neck, antecubital and popliteal fossae, occasionally wrists and hands), or documented history thereof;
(3) Cysts: (a) Pilonidal cysts: If evidenced by the presence of a tumor mass or a discharging sinus;
(b) All other cysts. Of such a size or location as to interfere with the normal wearing of required equipment;
(4) Dermatitis factitia;
(5) Dermatitis herpetiformis;
(6) Eczema: Any type which is chronic and resistant to treatment;
(7) Elephantiatis or chronic lymphedoma;
(8) Epidermolyssis bullosa; pemphigus;
(9) Fungus infections, systemic or superficial types: If extensive and not amendable to treatment;
(10) Furunculosis: Extensive, recurrent, or chronic;
(11) Hyperhidrosis of hands or feet: Chronic or severe;
(12) Ichthyosis: Severe;
(13) Leprosy: Any type;
(14) Leukemia cutis; mycosis fungoides, Hodgkins' disease;
(15) Lichen planus;
(16) Lupus erythematosus (acute, subacute, or chronic) or any other dermatosis aggravated by sunlight;
(17) Neurofibromatiosis (Von Reckloinghausen's disease);
(18) Nevi or vascular tumors: If extensive, unsightly, or exposed to constant irritation;
(19) Psoriasis or verified history thereof;
(20) Radiodermatitis;
(21) Scars which are so extensive, deep, or adherent that they may interfere with the wearing of required equipment, or that show a tendency to ulcerate;
(22) Scleroderma: Diffuse type;
(23) Tuberculosis, see WAC 415-104-710;
(24) Warts, plantar, which have materially interfered with the following of a useful vocation in civilian life;
(25) Urticaria: Chronic;
(26) Xanthoma: If disabling or accompanied by hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipemia;
(27) Any other chronic skin disorder of a degree or nature which requires frequent outpatient treatment or hospitalization, interferes with the satisfactory performance of duty, or is so disfiguring as to make the individual objectionable in ordinary social relationships.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050(6) and 41.50.090. WSR 78-03-023 (Order IV), ยง 415-104-690, filed 2/15/78. Formerly WAC 297-50-210.]