415-104-588. The following conditions of the scapulae, clavicles, and ribs are causes for rejection of membership:
(1) Fractures, until well healed, and until determined that the residuals thereof will not preclude satisfactory performance of required duties;
(2) Injury within the preceding six weeks, without fracture, or dislocation, of more than a minor nature;
(3) Osteomyelitis of rib, sternum, clavicle, scapula, or vertebra;
(4) Prominent scapulae interfering with function or with the wearing of required equipment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
41.50.050(6) and
41.50.090. WSR 78-03-023 (Order IV), ยง 415-104-705, filed 2/15/78. Formerly WAC 297-50-220.]