In general the finding of acute, uncomplicated venereal disease which can be expected to respond to treatment is not a cause for medical rejection of membership.
However, the following conditions are causes for rejection of membership:
Chronic venereal disease which has not satisfactorily responded to treatment. The finding of a positive serologic test for syphilis following adequate treatment of syphilis is not in itself considered evidence of chronic venereal disease which has not responded to treatment. See WAC
(2) Complications and permanent residuals of venereal disease if progressive, of such nature as to interfere with the satisfactory performance of duty, or if subject to aggravation in the performance of required duties;
[Statutory Authority: RCW
41.50.050(6) and
41.50.090. WSR 78-03-023 (Order IV), ยง 415-104-730, filed 2/15/78. Formerly WAC 297-50-250.]