(1) All counties, cities, and tribal governments within a lead entity area must have an opportunity to determine whether they wish to initiate the formation of a lead entity area and the selection of a lead entity.
(2) Initiating governments must jointly designate, by resolution or letters of support, a lead entity area and select an entity or organization to act as a lead entity through an adopted resolution or letter of support as described in RCW
(3) If a lead entity and lead entity area already exists and the initiating governments agree that the lead entity should be changed to another organization, they must do so by following subsections (1) and (2) of this section.
(4) If a noninitiating government decides to participate in the lead entity after it has been acknowledged by the office, they must adopt a resolution or letter of support and provide it to the office. Noninitiating governments may participate in other salmon recovery activities described in this title.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
77.85.120 (1)(d). WSR 20-01-114, ยง 420-08-010, filed 12/16/19, effective 1/16/20.]