PDFWAC 420-08-030

Duties of a regional recovery organization.

(1) The main purpose of a regional recovery organization is to coordinate salmon recovery planning and implementation. A regional recovery organization works directly with the federal government to develop, implement, and monitor a regional salmon recovery plan. A regional recovery organization also works directly with the lead entities within the salmon recovery region to develop and implement the recovery plan.
(2) A regional organization may be selected as a lead entity per WAC 420-08-010 Forming a lead entity.
(3) Lead entities within a salmon recovery region may request the governor's salmon recovery office to recognize them as a regional salmon recovery organization as described in RCW 77.85.090 except for those lead entities within the areas covered by the Lower Columbia fish recovery board and Puget Sound leadership council.
(4) A regional organization must submit all federally recognized salmon recovery plans and amendments to the governor's salmon recovery office for incorporation into the statewide salmon recovery strategy.
(5) A regional organization shall advise the board on whether a project on a habitat project list submitted by a lead entity is a priority in the regional salmon recovery plan or strategy. The board will consider the regional organizations advice before it makes a decision on whether to fund a project.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.85.120 (1)(d). WSR 20-01-114, ยง 420-08-030, filed 12/16/19, effective 1/16/20.]