(1) The board may award capacity grants to regional salmon recovery organizations as described in RCW
77.85.030 and
77.85.090 and lead entities as described under RCW
77.85.130 for administrative support to implement salmon recovery activities. The governor's salmon recovery office shall administer capacity grants through an executed agreement as described in RCW
(2) The office will execute an agreement for a capacity grant to a lead entity after the initiating governments select a lead entity area and a lead entity. If the office has an existing agreement for a capacity grant and a lack of consensus on a lead entity area or a lead entity develops, the office may suspend, terminate, or fail to renew the agreement with that lead entity until the initiating governments agree.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
77.85.120 (1)(d). WSR 20-01-114, ยง 420-08-040, filed 12/16/19, effective 1/16/20.]