PDFWAC 478-121-665

Appeal from determination regarding responsibility.

(1) A party may appeal a determination of responsibility on any of the following bases:
(a) Procedural irregularity affected the outcome of the matter;
(b) A material error substantially affected the outcome of the fact finding or sanctioning;
(c) New evidence that was not reasonably available at the time the determination regarding responsibility and/or dismissal was made could affect the outcome of the matter; and/or
(d) A university official involved in the formal complaint investigation or adjudication had a conflict of interest or bias for or against complainants or respondents generally, or the individual complainant or respondent, that affected the outcome of the matter.
If one of the grounds is to consider newly discovered evidence, that evidence must be provided with the appeal.
(2) An appeal must be submitted in writing to the hearing officer within twenty-one calendar days of service of the determination of responsibility. The appeal is the party's opportunity to provide the party's position regarding why the appeal should be granted, and it must identify at least one of the grounds outlined in subsection (1) of this section.
(3) When an appeal is received, the university will:
(a) Notify both parties in writing that the appeal was received; of the name of the individual(s) who will be deciding the outcome of the appeal; and when the nonappealing party's response is due;
(b) Provide the nonappealing party an opportunity to submit a written statement within twenty-one calendar days of receipt of notice of the appeal. This is the nonappealing party's opportunity to respond to the appeal;
(c) Consider the available evidence, which may include, but is not limited to, the transcript of the hearing, any summaries of interviews conducted by the investigator, evidence gathered by or provided to the investigator, the investigative report, decisions related to the hearing, the recording of the hearing, the written determination of responsibility, the appeal and/or response to the appeal, and/or any newly discovered evidence;
(d) Issue a written decision describing the result of the appeal and rationale for such result; and
(e) Provide the written decision simultaneously to both parties.
(4) Communications with the individual(s) deciding the appeal, except for communications related to procedural aspects of maintaining an orderly process, must be made in the presence of, or with a copy to, all other parties, advisors, the investigator(s), and the hearing officer. Any communications not following such a procedure will be placed on the record, and others will be given an opportunity to respond.
(5) Appeals of a determination regarding responsibility will be made by a panel consisting of an odd number of members, and such appeals will be decided within thirty calendar days of the deadline for the nonappealing party's response. The panel will be managed by a nonvoting individual who may be the review coordinator as defined in WAC 478-121-050(11). The panel may include reviewing officers, as defined by WAC 478-121-050(13), and may decide appeals of determinations of responsibility regarding EDFR prohibited conduct under Part VII or initial orders regarding prohibited conduct under Part II of this code.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.20.130 and 34 C.F.R. Part 106. WSR 21-07-047, ยง 478-121-665, filed 3/11/21, effective 4/11/21.]