PDFWAC 480-62-999

Adoption by reference.

In this chapter, the commission adopts by reference all or portions of regulations and standards identified below. They are available for inspection at the commission library. The publications, effective dates, references within this chapter, and availability of the resources are as follows:
(1) Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, cited as 49 C.F.R., including all appendices and amendments is published by the United States Government Printing Office.
(a) The commission adopts the version in effect on December 31, 2020.
(b) This publication is referenced in WAC 480-62-160 (Compliance policy), WAC 480-62-200 (Roadway worker safety and operating rules and statutes), WAC 480-62-205 (Track safety standards), WAC 480-62-210 (Crossing signal circuitry), WAC 480-62-215 (Hazardous materials regulations), WAC 480-62-235 (Flaggers), WAC 480-62-240 (Railroad owned or operated passenger carrying vehiclesEquipment), WAC 480-62-278 (Contract crew transportation vehicle and driver safety requirements), and WAC 480-62-293 (Contract crew transportation enforcement).
(c) Copies of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations are available from the U.S. Government Online Bookstore, https://bookstore.gpo.gov/, and from various third-party vendors.
(2) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, cited as Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD, is published by the United States Government Printing Office.
(a) The commission adopts the version in effect on December 31, 2020.
(b) This publication is referenced in WAC 480-62-230 (Traffic control devices), WAC 480-62-235 (Flaggers), and WAC 480-62-245 (Railroad owned or operated passenger carrying vehiclesOperation).
(c) Copies of the MUTCD are available from the U.S. Government Online Bookstore, https://bookstore.gpo.gov/, and from various third-party vendors.
(3) ANSI/ISEA Z308.1 - 2015 American National Standard for Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits is published by the American National Standards Institute.
(a) The commission adopts the version in effect on December 31, 2020.
(b) This publication is referenced in WAC 480-62-240 (Passenger carrying vehicles—Equipment).
(c) Copies of ANSI/ISEA Z308.1 - 2015 American National Standard for Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits and Supplies are available from IHS Global Engineering Documents in Englewood, Colorado.
(4) ANSI/ISEA 207-2011 - American National Standard for High-Visibility Public Safety Vests is published by the American National Standards Institute.
(a) The commission adopts the version in effect on December 31, 2020.
(b) This publication is referenced in WAC 480-62-235 (Flaggers).
(c) Copies of ANSI/ISEA 207-2011 - American National Standard for High-Visibility Public Safety Vests are available from IHS Global Engineering Documents in Englewood, Colorado.
(5) North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria (OOSC) is published by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA).
(a) The commission adopts the version in effect on April 1, 2021.
(b) This publication is referenced in WAC 480-62-278 (Contract crew transportation vehicle and driver safety requirements).
(c) The North American Out-of-Service Criteria is a copyrighted document. Copies are available from CVSA.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 80.10.040, 80.04.160, 81.04.160, and 34.05.353. WSR 21-13-130, § 480-62-999, filed 6/22/21, effective 7/23/21; WSR 19-14-118, § 480-62-999, filed 7/3/19, effective 8/3/19. Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 81.04.160, and 81.61.050. WSR 18-10-001 (Docket TR-170780, General Order R-591), § 480-62-999, filed 4/18/18, effective 5/19/18. Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 80.04.160, 81.04.160, and 34.05.353. WSR 17-15-054 (Docket A-170015, General Order R-589), § 480-62-999, filed 7/13/17, effective 8/13/17; WSR 16-05-035 (Docket A-151884, General Order R-585), § 480-62-999, filed 2/9/16, effective 3/11/16; WSR 15-06-048 (Docket A-143302, General Order R-579), § 480-62-999, filed 3/2/15, effective 4/2/15; WSR 14-05-001 (Docket A-131761, General Order R-574), § 480-62-999, filed 2/5/14, effective 3/8/14; WSR 13-05-023 (Docket A-121496, General Order R-569), § 480-62-999, filed 2/11/13, effective 3/14/13; WSR 12-05-063 (Docket A-111722, General Order R-564), § 480-62-999, filed 2/15/12, effective 3/17/12; WSR 11-04-041 (Docket A-101466, General Order R-562), § 480-62-999, filed 1/25/11, effective 2/25/11; WSR 10-03-044 (Docket A-091124, General Order R-557), § 480-62-999, filed 1/14/10, effective 2/14/10; WSR 09-01-171 (Docket A-081419, General Order R-554), § 480-62-999, filed 12/23/08, effective 1/23/09; WSR 05-21-022 (Docket No. A-050271, General Order No. R-521), § 480-62-999, filed 10/10/05, effective 11/10/05; WSR 04-01-152 (General Order No. R-511, Docket No. A-030852), § 480-62-999, filed 12/22/03, effective 1/22/04; WSR 02-18-033 (Docket No. A-020379, General Order No. R-501), § 480-62-999, filed 8/26/02, effective 9/26/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 80.01.040, 81.04.160, 81.24.010, 81.28.010, 81.28.290, 81.40.110, 81.44.010, 81.44.020, 81.44.101- 81.44.105, and chapters 81.48, 81.53, 81.54, 81.60, and 81.61 RCW. WSR 01-04-026 (Docket No. TR-981102, General Order No. R-477), § 480-62-999, filed 1/30/01, effective 3/2/01.]