PDFWAC 484-60-015

Linked deposit program.

Certified veteran or servicemember owned businesses may apply for the linked deposit program if:
(1) The veteran or service member owner possesses and exercises sufficient expertise specifically in the business' field of operation to make decisions governing the long-term direction and the day-to-day operations of the business; and
(2) The business is organized for profit and performing a commercially useful function; and
(3) The business meets the criteria for a small business concern as established under chapter 39.19 RCW; and
(4) The business meets the criteria for participation in the program as described in chapters 326-02 and 326-70 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 43.60A RCW. WSR 16-20-104, ยง 484-60-015, filed 10/5/16, effective 11/5/16.]