(1) Borrowers and library patrons must comply with posted library policies on the terms of borrowing, including requests for holding materials or placing materials on reserve.
(2) Misuse of library privileges may result in revocation of borrowing privileges by the dean or his or her designee.
(3) Materials are due on the date and hour specified at the time checked out or as adjusted by recall. If the hour is not specified, material is due at midnight on the date specified. Fines are assessed for materials returned after the designated date and/or time due. Replacement charges and a nonrefundable service charge are assessed for materials which are damaged or not returned to the library within thirty days of the date due.
(4) All materials are subject to recall at any time, and all users may be fined for failing to return recalled material.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.30.150. WSR 11-23-136, ยง 504-41-045, filed 11/22/11, effective 12/23/11.]