Western Washington University students enjoy the basic rights of all members of society. At the same time the student is expected to respect university rules and federal, state, and local laws. Those students who because of mental disorders are unable to do so and who represent a serious threat to themselves or others and therefore may need to be administratively withdrawn from attendance at Western Washington University are assured of a fair judicial process; at the same time, other students, faculty, and staff at Western Washington University are assured of relief from disruption of the mission of the university caused by those with behavioral problems stemming from mental disorders. This chapter advises students of their rights and responsibilities regarding behavior arising from mental disorders while enrolled at Western Washington University, and of the process the university will take if involuntary administrative withdrawal is indicated.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.35.120(12). WSR 89-11-039 (Order 89-01), ยง 516-28-010, filed 5/15/89.]