WAC Sections |
192-110-001 | May the department refuse to accept my claim, appeal or petition? |
192-110-005 | Applying for unemployment benefits—General. |
192-110-006 | Waiving the week requirement when the first week of unemployment benefits are federally funded. |
192-110-010 | Applications for benefits by interstate claimants. |
192-110-015 | Applications by standby workers—RCW 50.20.010. |
192-110-017 | When can a partially unemployed worker apply for benefits?—RCW 50.04.310. |
192-110-020 | How will the department verify my identity? |
192-110-050 | How do I reopen my claim? |
192-110-090 | Prompt payment of benefits. |
192-110-095 | May I backdate my application for unemployment benefits (RCW 50.04.030)? |
192-110-110 | Establishing a new benefit year—RCW 50.04.030. |
192-110-112 | Applying for a combined wage claim. |
192-110-115 | May I cancel my claim? |
192-110-150 | May I have an individual with power of attorney or other authorization file an initial or weekly claim for benefits, testify in my place, or otherwise certify on my behalf? |