WAC Sections |
296-807-099 | Definitions. |
296-807-100 | Scope. |
296-807-110 | Switches (controls). |
296-807-11005 | Make sure switches are safe. |
296-807-120 | Portable circular saws. |
296-807-12005 | Make sure portable circular saws are safe to use. |
296-807-130 | Portable belt sanding machines. |
296-807-13005 | Guard portable belt sanding machines. |
296-807-140 | Compressed air tools. |
296-807-14005 | Follow the manufacturer's instructions. |
296-807-14010 | Prevent air tools from ejecting attachments. |
296-807-14015 | Protect employees from contact with compressed air. |
296-807-14020 | Make sure safeguards are used when cleaning with compressed air. |
296-807-14025 | Make sure airhose and plastic pipe supplying compressed air to portable air tools are safe. |
296-807-14030 | Make sure air tools are adequately designed and constructed. |
296-807-14035 | Use air tools safely. |
296-807-14040 | Make sure fastener driving air tools (nailers and staplers) are safe. |
296-807-150 | Powder actuated fastening systems. |
296-807-15005 | Make sure tool operators are qualified. |
296-807-15010 | Make sure employees are aware tools are in use and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). |
296-807-15015 | Make sure tools are adequately designed and constructed. |
296-807-15020 | Make sure tools and containers are properly labeled. |
296-807-15025 | Make sure powder loads and power levels are properly identified. |
296-807-15030 | Use proper powder loads. |
296-807-15035 | Make sure the tool is appropriate to the job. |
296-807-15040 | Make sure the operator uses the tool safely. |
296-807-15045 | Use fasteners safely. |
296-807-15050 | Inspect and maintain tools properly. |
296-807-15055 | Make sure tools are stored properly. |
296-807-160 | Power lawnmowers. |
296-807-16005 | Make sure equipment meets minimum design and construction requirements. |
296-807-16010 | Make sure the equipment has the appropriate labels and decals. |
296-807-16015 | Make sure the operator understands and follows instructions before starting the mower. |
296-807-16020 | Use the equipment safely. |
296-807-16025 | Protect employees from fuel and exhaust. |
296-807-16030 | Use walk-behind mowers safely. |
296-807-16035 | Use ride-on mowers safely. |
296-807-170 | Jacks. |
296-807-17005 | Make sure jacks are labeled with their rated load(s). |
296-807-17010 | Make sure the jack is safe to lift the load. |
296-807-17015 | Lift the load safely. |
296-807-17020 | Visually inspect jacks and keep them in good working order. |
296-807-180 | Portable tools using abrasive wheels. |
296-807-18005 | Make sure abrasive wheels and tools are properly designed and constructed. |
296-807-18010 | Make sure machines have safety guards. |
296-807-18015 | Keep safety guards in good functional condition. |
296-807-18020 | Use specific safety guards for machines using Type 1 grinding wheels, cutting-off wheels, and tuck pointing wheels. |
296-807-18025 | Use specific safety guards for vertical and angle grinders using Type 6 or Type 11 wheels. |
296-807-18030 | Use specific safety guards for vertical and angle grinders using Type 27, 28 and 29 wheels. |
296-807-18035 | Use side handles on vertical and angle grinders. |
296-807-18040 | Make sure abrasive wheels are safe to use. |
296-807-18045 | Mount wheels properly. |
296-807-18050 | Use proper flanges. |
296-807-18055 | Make sure flanges are in good condition. |
296-807-18060 | Use specific flanges for Type 1 cutting-off wheels. |
296-807-18065 | Use specific flanges for Type 27A cutting-off wheels. |
296-807-18070 | Use specific flanges for threaded hole wheels. |
296-807-18075 | Use specific flanges for cup, cone or plug wheels with threaded inserts or projecting studs. |
296-807-18080 | Use blotters when required. |
296-807-18085 | Meet specific blotter requirements when using modified Types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo). |