Washington Administrative Code
2022 Archive

Chapter 296-817 WAC
Last Update: 7/19/22

PDF of Chapter Digest
WAC Sections
296-817-099Noise definitions.
296-817-200Hearing loss prevention program.
296-817-20005Conduct employee noise exposure monitoring.
296-817-20010Control employee noise exposures that equal or exceed 90 dBA TWA8.
296-817-20015Make sure employees use hearing protection when their noise exposure equals or exceeds 85 dBA TWA8.
296-817-20020Make sure exposed employees receive training about noise and hearing protection.
296-817-20025Make sure warning signs are posted for areas where noise levels equal or exceed 115 dBA.
296-817-20030Arrange for oversight of audiometric testing.
296-817-20035Identify and correct deficiencies in your hearing loss prevention program.
296-817-20040Document your hearing loss prevention activities.
296-817-300Noise measurement and computation.
296-817-30005Make sure that noise-measuring equipment meets recognized standards.
296-817-30010Measure employee noise exposure.
296-817-30015Use these equations when estimating full-day noise exposure from sound level measurements.
296-817-400Audiometric testing.
296-817-40005Provide audiometric testing at no cost to employees.
296-817-40010Establish a baseline audiogram for each exposed employee.
296-817-40015Conduct annual audiograms.
296-817-40020Review audiograms that indicate a standard threshold shift.
296-817-40025Keep the baseline audiogram without revision, unless annual audiograms indicate a persistent threshold shift or a significant improvement in hearing.
296-817-40030Make sure a record is kept of audiometric tests.
296-817-40035Make sure audiometric testing equipment meets these requirements.
296-817-500Options to audiometric testing.
296-817-50005Conduct hearing protection audits at least quarterly.
296-817-50010Make sure staff conducting audits are properly trained.
296-817-50015Assess the hearing protection used by each employee during audits.
296-817-50020Document your hearing protection audits.
296-817-50025Make sure third-party hearing loss prevention programs meet the following requirements.
296-817-600Noise definitions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 03-11-060, ยง 296-817-600, filed 5/19/03, effective 8/1/03.] Repealed by WSR 15-23-086, filed 11/17/15, effective 12/18/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050.