WAC Sections |
296-850-090 | Definitions. |
296-850-100 | Scope and application. |
296-850-110 | Permissible exposure limits. |
296-850-115 | Exposure assessment. |
296-850-120 | Beryllium work areas and regulated areas. |
296-850-125 | Competent person. |
296-850-130 | Methods of compliance. |
296-850-135 | Respiratory protection. |
296-850-140 | Personal protective clothing and equipment. |
296-850-145 | Hygiene areas and practices. |
296-850-150 | Housekeeping. |
296-850-155 | Medical surveillance. |
296-850-160 | Medical removal. |
296-850-165 | Communication of hazards. |
296-850-170 | Recordkeeping. |
296-850-175 | Dates. |
296-850-180 | Appendix A—Control strategies to minimize beryllium exposure of this standard is nonmandatory. |
296-850-190 | Appendix B—Considerations when using the blood beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test in the screening and evaluation of beryllium sensitization—Nonmandatory. |