WAC Sections |
314-02-005 | What is the purpose of chapter 314-02 WAC? |
314-02-010 | Definitions. |
314-02-014 | What is a food counter, a liquor bar, and a service bar and are minors allowed in these areas? |
314-02-015 | What is a spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license? |
314-02-020 | What are the fee categories for a spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license? |
314-02-025 | What are the floor space requirements to obtain and maintain a spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license or a beer and wine restaurant license? |
314-02-027 | What are the requirements/restrictions for a spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license at a cinema with a dinner theater venue? |
314-02-030 | Can a spirits, beer, and wine restaurant exclude persons under twenty-one years of age from the premises? |
314-02-033 | Do spirits, beer, and wine restaurants that exclude minors from the premises have to put demarcations around their dedicated dining area(s)? |
314-02-035 | Food service requirements for a spirits, beer, and wine restaurant license. |
314-02-036 | What is a spirits, beer, and wine nightclub license? |
314-02-037 | What are the floor space requirements for a spirits, beer, and wine nightclub license? |
314-02-038 | Can a spirits, beer, and wine nightclub license exclude persons under twenty-one years of age from the premises? |
314-02-039 | What type of restrictions may be placed on a spirits, beer, and wine nightclub license? |
314-02-041 | What is a hotel license? |
314-02-0411 | Food service requirements for a hotel license. |
314-02-0412 | Are minors restricted from any areas of the hotel premises? |
314-02-0413 | What are the requirements if the hotel licensee does not operate the business serving alcohol or food within the hotel premises? |
314-02-0414 | Can a hotel licensee use its alcohol inventory for sales and service at events outside of the hotel premises? |
314-02-0415 | What are the requirements for instructing employees on spirits, beer, or wine? |
314-02-042 | Spirits, beer and wine restaurant restricted—Qualifications. |
314-02-043 | What is a VIP airport lounge license? |
314-02-044 | Application process and guidelines for a VIP airport lounge liquor license. |
314-02-045 | What is a beer and/or wine restaurant license? |
314-02-051 | What are the requirements/restrictions for a beer and wine restaurant license at a cinema with a dinner theater venue? |
314-02-055 | Can a beer and/or wine restaurant exclude minors from the dining area? |
314-02-056 | Sports/entertainment facility license—Purpose. |
314-02-057 | Definitions. |
314-02-058 | Sports/entertainment facility licenses—Operating plans. |
314-02-059 | How will the operating plans be enforced? |
314-02-060 | What is a caterer's endorsement? |
314-02-061 | What is required for off-site storage of liquor under a caterer's endorsement? |
314-02-065 | Snack bar license. |
314-02-070 | What is a tavern license? |
314-02-075 | What is a motel license? |
314-02-080 | What are the requirements for a motel licensee or a hotel licensee to sell liquor in honor bars? |
314-02-082 | What is a beer and wine theater license? |
314-02-087 | Spirits, beer, and wine theater license. |
314-02-090 | What is a nonprofit arts organization license? |
314-02-092 | What is a combination spirits, beer, and wine license? |
314-02-100 | What is a grocery store license? |
314-02-102 | What are the requirements for a grocery store licensee to conduct beer and wine tastings? |
314-02-103 | What is a wine retailer reseller endorsement? |
314-02-104 | Central warehousing. |
314-02-105 | What is a beer and/or wine specialty store license? |
314-02-106 | What is a spirits retailer license? |
314-02-107 | What are the requirements for a spirits retail license? |
314-02-1071 | What is "trade area"? |
314-02-108 | Responsible vendor program. |
314-02-1081 | What is the responsible vendor program for beer and wine retail licensees selling beer and wine for off-premises consumption? |
314-02-109 | What are the quarterly reporting and payment requirements for a spirits retailer license? |
314-02-110 | What is a beer and/or wine gift delivery license? |
314-02-112 | Caterer's license. |
314-02-114 | Senior center license. |
314-02-115 | Requirements for licensees that sell keg beer. |
314-02-120 | How do licensees get keg registration forms? |