WAC Sections | |
388-412-0005 | General information about your cash benefits. |
388-412-0010 | Endorsing the warrant. |
388-412-0015 | General information about your food assistance allotments. |
388-412-0020 | When do I get my benefits? |
388-412-0025 | How do I receive my benefits? |
388-412-0030 | Returning a warrant. |
388-412-0035 | Loss, theft, destruction or nonreceipt of a warrant issued to clients and vendors. |
388-412-0040 | Can I get my benefits replaced? |
388-412-0046 | What is the purpose of DSHS cash and food assistance benefits and how can I use my benefits? |
388-412-0045 | General information about cash and food assistance issued by electronic benefits transfer. [Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.510, 74.08.090, 74.04.055, 74.04.057 and S. 825, Public Law 104-193, Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. WSR 99-02-039, ยง 388-412-0045, filed 12/31/98, effective 1/31/99.] Repealed by WSR 01-18-054, filed 8/30/01, effective 9/30/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.510 and 74.08.090. |