(1) Grower responsibility: Maintain certification standards.
(2) Certifying agency responsibility:
(a) The agency will inspect growth facilities and fields and to audit compliance with the grower developed BMPs and their effectiveness.
(b) Mother plants are inspected within seven days before first cutting of daughters for certification.
(c) Daughter plants are inspected within seven days after planting.
(3) General requirements: Plant increase standards are described in WAC
16-302-880 (1)(c)(i), (ii), and (iii) (General planting stock certification standards for vegetatively propagated hemp).
(4) General inspection standards of plants:
(a) Apparently free of diseases, insects, and other pests.
(b) True-to-type characteristics.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
15.49.005, [15.49].021, [15.49].310, [15.49].370, and
15.140.030. WSR 21-20-101, ยง 16-302-890, filed 10/4/21, effective 11/4/21.]