(1) In addition to testing required under WAC
16-306-090, producers may request voluntary testing for the following:
(a) A link to the list of pesticides that are allowed for use on hemp is available on the department website.
(b) Approved limits of mycotoxin. The sample and related lot fail testing for mycotoxin if the results exceed the following limits:
(i) Total of Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2: 20 μg/kg of substance;
(ii) Ochratoxin A: 20 μg/kg of substance.
(c) Approved limits for heavy metals. The sample and related lot fail testing for heavy metals if the results exceed the following limits:
Metal | μ/daily dose (5 grams) |
Inorganic arsenic | 10.0 | |
Cadmium | 4.1 | |
Lead | 6.0 | |
Mercury | 2.0 | |
(2) The producer must inform the department if they wish to receive voluntary testing for pesticides and heavy metals at the time of sampling and in their harvest report.
(3) The licensee will be required to reimburse the department or the approved laboratory for the actual costs incurred for conducting such tests.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
15.140.030. WSR 22-19-033, § 16-306-100, filed 9/14/22, effective 10/15/22. Statutory Authority: RCW
15.140.030 and chapter
34.05 RCW. WSR 20-03-174, § 16-306-100, filed 1/22/20, effective 2/22/20.]