In keeping with the educational mission of Whatcom Community College, sanctions serve the purpose of educating students about their rights and responsibilities, reinforcing the high standards of scholarship expected of Whatcom students, promoting student development, and maintaining safety and well-being of members of the college community. When appropriate, the college may attempt to resolve issues without formal disciplinary action and may give verbal warnings. When a student takes responsibility for a violation or is determined to have violated the code, the student conduct officer may impose one or more of the following sanctions. This list is not meant to be exhaustive and other sanctions may be applied at the discretion of the student conduct officer.
(1) Disciplinary warning. A verbal statement to a student that there is a violation and that continued violation may be cause for further disciplinary action.
(2) Written reprimand. Notice in writing that the student has violated one or more terms of this code of conduct and that continuation of the same or similar behavior may result in more severe disciplinary action.
(3) Disciplinary probation. Formal action placing specific conditions and restrictions upon the student's continued attendance depending upon the seriousness of the violation. Probation may be for a specific period of time or for the duration of the student's enrollment at the college.
(4) Disciplinary suspension. Dismissal from the college and from the student status for a stated period of time. There may be no refund of tuition or fees for the quarter in which the action is taken.
(5) Dismissal. The revocation of all rights and privileges of membership in the college community and exclusion from the campus and college-owned or controlled facilities without any possibility of return. There will be no refund of tuition or fees for the quarter in which the action is taken.
(6) Educational activity. A student may be required to engage in educational activities related to violation(s). Such activities may include, but are not limited to, attendance at educational programs, community services, project or written assignments, and/or meeting with campus officials.
(7) Loss of privileges. A student may be denied specific privileges on a temporary or permanent basis such as participating in specific activities or restriction from specific areas of campus.
(8) Restitution. Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property, or for injury to persons, or for reasonable costs incurred by the college in pursuing an investigation or disciplinary proceedings.
(9) Professional evaluation. Referral for drug, alcohol, psychological or medical evaluation by an appropriately certified or licensed professional may be required. The student may choose the professional within the scope of practice and with the professional credentials as defined by the college. The student will sign all necessary releases to allow the college access to any such evaluation. The student's return to college may be conditional upon compliance with the recommendations set forth in such a professional evaluation. If the evaluation indicates that the student is not capable of functioning within the college community, the student will remain suspended until further evaluation recommends that the student is capable of reentering the college and complying with the rules of conduct.
(10) Administrative no-contact order. An order directing a student to have no contact with a specified student, college employee, a member of the college community, or a particular college facility.
(11) Student housing relocation. Students who are living in college-controlled or administered housing may be transferred to alternate college-controlled or administered housing.
(12) Termination of student housing contract. A student may be removed from their college-controlled housing and their housing contract terminated.
(13) Disqualification from athletics. Any student found by the college to have violated this code related to the use, possession, sale, or delivery of legend drugs is subject to additional sanctions, including disqualification from college-sponsored athletic events.
(14) College community service. Assignment of labor or responsibilities to any student or student organization with the college or local community. May also include mandatory attendance to educational programs or courses or other assignments.