| Asbestos |
| Arsenic, elemental and compounds of |
| Barium, soluble salts of |
| Beryllium, elemental and compounds of |
| Boron, elemental and compounds of |
| Cadmium, elemental and compounds of |
| Chlorinated hydrocarbons, compounds |
| Chlorine, elemental and compounds of |
| Chromium, soluble salts and all chromates |
| Copper, elemental and compounds of |
| Cyanides, compounds including the organic nitriles |
| Fluorine, elemental and compounds of |
| Lead, elemental and compounds of |
| Mercury, elemental and compounds of |
| Nickel, soluble salts of |
| Organo phosphorus; insecticide, algaecide, and slimecide compounds |
| Phenols and polychorinated biphenyls, compounds |
| Selenium, elemental and compounds of |
| Silver, soluble salts of |
| Zinc, soluble salts of |
[Order 72-26, § 173-40-040, filed 11/27/72.]