It is unlawful to take, fish for, or possess salmon taken by angling for personal use except from the following coastal areas, during the following seasons, in the quantities and the sizes provided for in WAC
220-313-010, and for the species designated in this section. An area is open when a daily limit is provided:
(1) Willapa Bay (Catch Record Card Area 2-1):
(a) Open concurrent with Area 2 as specified in WAC
220-313-075; otherwise closed, except as described in (b) of this subsection.
(b) Open August 1 through January 31:
(i) Daily limit 6 salmon; up to 2 may be adult salmon.
(ii) Release wild Chinook.
(iii) Waters of the Willapa Bay Control Zone area defined as waters east of a line drawn from Leadbetter Point (46°39.20'N, 124°3.516'W) due west to 46°39.20'N, 124°5.3'W then due north to the westerly most landfall on Cape Shoalwater (46°44.66'N, 124°5.3'W) and west from a line drawn from Leadbetter Point (46°39.20'N, 124°3.516'W) through green marker 11 to landfall: Closed August 1 through September 30.
(iv) Anglers in possession of a valid two-pole endorsement may use up to two lines while fishing.
(v) Waters north of a line from Toke Point channel marker 3 easterly through Willapa Harbor channel marker 13 (green) then, northeasterly to the power transmission pole located at 46°43.19'N, 123°50.83'W are closed August 1 through September 30.
(2) Grays Harbor (Catch Record Card Area 2-2 east of the Buoy 13 line):
(a) May 1 through July 31: Closed.
(b) Humptulips North Bay Fishery is defined as northerly of a line running from the south end of the eastern jetty at Ocean Shores Marina, then to a fishing boundary marker on Sand Island (46°57.52'N, 124°03.36'W) then to the Tripod Station located at 46°59.12'N, 124°00.72'W on Brackenridge Bluff. Open August 1 through September 15:
(i) Daily limit 1 salmon.
(ii) Release wild coho.
(c) East Grays Harbor Fishery is defined as easterly of a projected line from the mouth of Johns River (Highway 105 bridge) to the Tripod Station on Brackenridge Bluff (46°59.12'N, 124°00.72'W) through channel marker 27 (green).
(i) Open September 16 through October 31:
(A) Daily limit 2 salmon.
(B) Release Chinook.
(ii) Open November 1 through November 30:
(A) Daily limit 1 salmon.
(B) Release Chinook.
(iii) Waters south of a line running from the south end of the eastern jetty at Ocean Shores Marina to the fishing boundary marker on Sand Island (46°57.52'N, 124°03.36'W) to the Tripod Station on Brackenridge Bluff (46°59.12'N, 124°00.72'W) and waters west of a line running from the Tripod Station on Brackenridge Bluff (46°59.12'N, 124°00.72'W) through channel marker 27 (green) to the mouth of Johns River (Highway 105 Bridge): Closed.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, the Westport Boat Basin and Ocean Shores Boat Basin are open only August 16 through January 31:
(i) Daily limit 6 salmon; up to 4 may be adult salmon.
(ii) Release Chinook.
(iii) Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect.
Grays Harbor (Catch Record Card Area 2-2 west of the Buoy 13 line): Closed, except open concurrent with openings of the Grays Harbor Control Zone as specified in WAC
(4) A violation of this section is an infraction, punishable under RCW
77.15.160, unless the person has harvested salmon. If the person has harvested salmon, the violation is punishable under RCW
77.15.380 Unlawful recreational fishing in the second degree
—Penalty, unless the salmon are taken in the amounts or manner to constitute a violation of RCW
77.15.370 Unlawful recreational fishing in the first degree
—Criminal wildlife penalty assessment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
77.04.055, and
77.12.047. WSR 22-14-054 (Order 22-114), § 220-313-070, filed 6/29/22, effective 7/30/22; WSR 21-14-067 (Order 21-95), § 220-313-070, filed 7/2/21, effective 8/2/21. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.12.045, and
77.12.047. WSR 20-22-101 (Order 20-242), § 220-313-070, filed 11/3/20, effective 12/4/20. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.04.055, and
77.12.047. WSR 20-14-052 (Order 20-97), § 220-313-070, filed 6/25/20, effective 7/26/20. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.04.055, and
77.12.047. WSR 19-15-050 (Order 19-139), § 220-313-070, filed 7/12/19, effective 8/12/19; WSR 18-15-065 (Order 18-163), § 220-313-070, filed 7/16/18, effective 8/16/18. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.12.045, and
77.12.047. WSR 17-19-009 (Order 17-230), § 220-313-070, filed 9/7/17, effective 10/8/17. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.04.055, and
77.12.047. WSR 17-05-112 (Order 17-04), amended and recodified as § 220-313-070, filed 2/15/17, effective 3/18/17; WSR 16-14-038 (Order 16-158), § 232-28-620, filed 6/28/16, effective 7/29/16; WSR 15-13-081 (Order 15-177), § 232-28-620, filed 6/12/15, effective 7/13/15. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.12.045, and
77.12.047. WSR 14-16-027 (Order 14-185), § 232-28-620, filed 7/25/14, effective 8/25/14; WSR 13-20-021 (Order 13-210), § 232-28-620, filed 9/23/13, effective 10/24/13. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.12.045, and
77.12.047. WSR 12-18-006 (Order 12-190), § 232-28-620, filed 8/23/12, effective 9/23/12; WSR 11-21-038 (Order 11-273), § 232-28-620, filed 10/11/11, effective 11/11/11; WSR 10-12-061 (Order 09-108), § 232-28-620, filed 5/27/10, effective 6/27/10. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.12.047 and
77.04.020. WSR 09-15-035 (Order 09-133), § 232-28-620, filed 7/8/09, effective 8/8/09; WSR 08-15-002 (Order 08-165), § 232-28-620, filed 7/3/08, effective 8/3/08; WSR 07-16-056, § 232-28-620, filed 7/26/07, effective 8/26/07. Statutory Authority: RCW
77.12.047. WSR 06-16-096 (Order 06-174), § 232-28-620, filed 7/31/06, effective 8/31/06; WSR 05-17-007 (Order 05-168), § 232-28-620, filed 8/3/05, effective 9/3/05; WSR 04-16-006 (Order 04-182), § 232-28-620, filed 7/22/04, effective 8/22/04; WSR 03-16-109 (Order 03-182), § 232-28-620, filed 8/6/03, effective 9/6/03; WSR 02-15-097 (Order 02-158), § 232-28-620, filed 7/16/02, effective 8/16/02; WSR 01-14-001 (Order 01-107), § 232-28-620, filed 6/21/01, effective 7/22/01. Statutory Authority: 2000 c 107 § 7. WSR 00-16-091 (Order 00-134), amended and recodified as § 232-28-620, filed 7/31/00, effective 8/31/00. Statutory Authority: RCW
75.08.080 and
77.12.040. WSR 99-15-081 (Order 99-102), § 220-56-190, filed 7/20/99, effective 8/20/99; WSR 98-15-081 (Order 98-122), § 220-56-190, filed 7/15/98, effective 8/15/98; WSR 97-18-035, § 220-56-190, filed 8/27/97, effective 9/27/97. Statutory Authority: RCW
75.08.080. WSR 96-11-078 (Order 96-44), § 220-56-190, filed 5/13/96, effective 6/13/96; WSR 95-12-027 (Order 95-46), § 220-56-190, filed 5/31/95, effective 7/1/95; WSR 94-14-069, § 220-56-190, filed 7/1/94, effective 8/1/94; WSR 93-14-043 (Order 93-36), § 220-56-190, filed 6/29/93, effective 7/30/93; WSR 91-08-054 (Order 91-13), § 220-56-190, filed 4/2/91, effective 5/3/91; WSR 90-06-026, § 220-56-190, filed 2/28/90, effective 3/31/90; WSR 89-07-060 (Order 89-12), § 220-56-190, filed 3/16/89; WSR 87-09-066 (Order 87-16), § 220-56-190, filed 4/21/87; WSR 86-09-020 (Order 86-08), § 220-56-190, filed 4/9/86; WSR 85-09-017 (Order 85-20), § 220-56-190, filed 4/9/85; WSR 84-09-026 (Order 84-22), § 220-56-190, filed 4/11/84; WSR 83-07-043 (Order 83-16), § 220-56-190, filed 3/17/83; WSR 82-13-040 (Order 82-61), § 220-56-190, filed 6/9/82; WSR 82-07-047 (Order 82-19), § 220-56-190, filed 3/18/82; WSR 80-03-064 (Order 80-12), § 220-56-190, filed 2/27/80, effective 4/1/80. Formerly WAC 220-56-064.]