(1) The commissioners may vote to approve a licensee to exceed raffle prize limits if a licensee shows good cause in writing.
(2) Prior to offering raffle prizes that exceed forty thousand dollars per prize, the licensee must submit a raffle plan to us that includes at least the following information:
(a) The organization's goals for conducting the raffle; and
(b) A brief overview of the licensee's mission and vision including the type of programs supported by the licensee and clients served; and
(c) Specific details of the raffle rules including:
(i) Date of the drawing; and
(ii) Cost of raffle tickets; and
(iii) Prizes available; and
(iv) Security of prizes; and
(v) Plans for selling raffle tickets; and
(vi) Description of how the licensee protects the integrity of the raffle; and
(d) An explanation of how the proceeds from the raffle will be used; and
(e) A plan to protect the licensee in the event of low ticket sales and other risks; and
(f) An explanation of how the licensee will purchase the prize(s) for the raffle; and
(g) A projected budget including:
(i) Estimated gross gambling receipts, expenses, and net income for the raffle; and
(ii) Minimum number of projected ticket sales to break even; and
(iii) Corresponding sales and prize levels with projected revenues and expenses for each level; and
(iv) Minimum and maximum prizes available; and
(h) Any other information that we request or any information the licensee wishes to submit.
(3) Prior to offering raffle prizes that exceed three hundred thousand dollars in a license year, the licensee must submit a raffle plan that includes:
(a) The organization's goals for conducting raffles; and
(b) A brief overview of the licensee's mission and vision including the type of programs supported by the licensee and clients served; and
(c) Plans for selling raffle tickets; and
(d) Brief overview of prizes awarded; and
(e) Estimated gross gambling receipts, expenses, and net income for the raffles; and
(f) Any other information that we request or any information the licensee wishes to submit.