PDFWAC 284-24A-050

What types of information must an insurer include in a multivariate analysis?

(1) A multivariate statistical analysis must evaluate the rating factors listed below (if applicable to the rating plan, and to the extent that data are credible):
(a) For earthquake and personal inland marine insurance:
(i) Insurance score;
(ii) Territory and/or geographic area;
(iii) Protection class;
(iv) Amount of insurance;
(v) Surcharges or discounts based on loss history;
(vi) Number of family units; and
(vii) Policy form relativity.
(b) For personal liability and theft, and mechanical breakdown insurance:
(i) Insurance score;
(ii) Driver class;
(iii) Multicar discount;
(iv) Territory and/or geographic area;
(v) Vehicle use;
(vi) Rating factors related to driving record; and
(vii) Surcharges or discounts based on loss history.
(2) An insurer must provide a general description of the model used to perform the multivariate analysis, including the:
(a) Formulas the model uses;
(b) Rating factors that are included in the modeling process; and
(c) Output from the model, such as indicated rates or rating factors.
(3) An insurer must show how the proposed rates or rating factors are related to the multivariate analysis.
(4) The temporary prohibition in WAC 284-24A-090 on the use of credit history to determine personal insurance rates, premiums, or eligibility for coverage for all homeowners and private passenger automobile coverage will remain in effect for three years following the day the national emergency concerning the novel coronavirus disease (COVID–19) outbreak declared by the President on March 13, 2020, under the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) terminates, or the day the Governor's Proclamation 20-05, proclaiming a state of emergency throughout the state of Washington as a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in the United States expires, whichever is later.
(a) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(i) Homeowners coverage includes dwelling property, mobile homeowners, manufactured homeowners, renters, and condominium owner's coverage.
(ii) Private passenger automobile coverage includes motorcycles and recreational vehicle coverage.
(b) The temporary prohibition on the use of credit history to determine personal insurance rates, premiums, or eligibility for homeowners and private passenger automobile coverage does not apply to commercial lines, personal liability and theft, earthquake, personal inland marine, or mechanical breakdown coverage.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.18.480, 48.19.020, 48.19.035, 48.19.080. WSR 22-04-090 (Matter R 2021-07), § 284-24A-050, filed 2/1/22, effective 3/4/22. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.18.545, 48.19.035, and 48.30.010. WSR 05-02-026 (Matter No. R 2004-01), § 284-24A-050, filed 12/29/04, effective 7/1/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.18.100, 48.18.120, 48.19.080, 48.19.370, 48.30.010, 49.60.178, 48.18.545(7), 48.19.035(5). WSR 02-19-013 (Matter No. R 2001-11), § 284-24A-050, filed 9/6/02, effective 10/7/02.]