(1) Handling suspension strand.
(a) When pulling strand off a reel trailer more than two spans there must be a reel tender.
(b) There must be reliable communications between the employee pulling strand and the reel tender.
(c) The employer must ensure that when handling cable suspension strand which is being installed on poles carrying exposed energized power conductors, that all employees that may be exposed, to include the reel tender, must wear insulating gloves, suitable for voltage levels that may be encountered, and must avoid body contact with the strand until after it has been tensioned, dead-ended and permanently grounded.
(d) The strand must be restrained against upward movement during installation:
(i) On joint-use poles, where there is an upward change in grade at the pole; and
(ii) On nonjoint-use poles, where the line crosses under energized power conductors.
(2) Test requirements for cable suspension strand.
(a) Before attaching a splicing platform to a cable suspension strand, the strand must be tested and determined to have strength sufficient to support the weight of the platform and the employee. Where the strand crosses above power wires or railroad tracks it may not be tested but must be inspected in accordance with subsection (3) of this section.
(b) The following method or an equivalent method must be used for testing the strength of the strand: A rope, at least three-eighths inches in diameter, must be thrown over the strand. On joint lines, the rope must be passed over the strand using tree pruner handles or a wire raising tool. If two employees are present, both must grip the double rope and slowly transfer their entire weight to the rope and attempt to raise themselves off the ground. If only one employee is present, one end of the rope which has been passed over the strand must be tied to the bumper of the truck, or other equally secure anchorage. The employee then must grasp the other end of the rope and attempt to raise himself off the ground.
(3) Inspection of strand. Where strand passes over electric power wires or railroad tracks, it must be inspected from an elevated working position at each pole supporting the span in question. The strand may not be used to support any splicing platform, scaffold or cable car, if any of the following conditions exist:
(a) Corrosion so that no galvanizing can be detected;
(b) One or more wires of the strand are broken;
(c) Worn spots; or
(d) Burn marks such as those caused by contact with electric power wires.