(1) All keys necessary for the operation and maintenance of the elevator(s) shall be provided and kept on-site in a key retainer box.
(2) The key retainer box shall be:
(a) Located in the elevator lobby at the designated level above the hall buttons or located by the machine room door at a height not more than 72 in. above the floor. Access to the key box shall not require passage through locked doors;
(b) Readily accessible to inspection personnel;
(c) Clearly labeled "ELEVATOR;"
(d) Securely mounted;
(e) Equipped with a 1-inch mortise cylinder cam lock with keyway set to a #39504 barrel type key;
(f) Keys for access to the elevator machine rooms and for operating elevator equipment shall be labeled as to their function and kept in the key box;
(g) Mechanical hoistway access devices shall be located in the key box. Where the key cannot fit into the key box, it may be located in the machine/control room;
(h) Where the box cannot be located as indicated in (a) of this subsection, it shall be permitted to be in an unsecured location (such as the outside portion of a condominium). Other arrangements shall be accommodated with the written permission of the department;
(i) No persons except the building owner and inspectors shall have access to the key box; and
(j) All other keys kept elsewhere on-site shall be segregated into groups and secured as required by ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Section 8.1.
Exceptions: | The cities of Seattle and Spokane may designate their own options for keys and lockbox arrangement via their rule processes. |
| Residential elevators are exempt from this section. |
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
70.87 RCW. WSR 21-18-096, § 296-96-02580, filed 8/31/21, effective 10/1/21; WSR 18-18-070, § 296-96-02580, filed 8/31/18, effective 10/1/18; WSR 13-24-066, § 296-96-02580, filed 11/27/13, effective 1/1/14; WSR 07-24-041, § 296-96-02580, filed 11/30/07, effective 1/1/08.]