Projects authorized by the board are divided into the following phases:
(1) Design phase – Documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Signed funding status form confirming that the funding partners are fully committed;
(b) Page from the adopted six-year transportation plan which lists the project;
(c) Signed fuel tax agreement;
(d) Consultant agreement (small city arterial and small city active transportation programs only).
(2) Bid advertisement phase – Documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Signed bid authorization form that contains:
(i) Plans and specification package;
(ii) Written confirmation of funding partners; and
(iii) Confirmation that full funding is available for the project;
(b) Signed confirmation that right of way is acquired or possession and use agreement is in place;
(c) Engineer's estimate is in final format;
(d) Consultant agreement (small city arterial and small city active transportation programs only);
(e) Certification that a cultural resource assessment was completed;
(f) Traffic signal warrants.
(3) Construction phase – Documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Updated cost estimate form signed by a local agency official and the project engineer;
(b) Bid tabulations; and
(c) Description of cost changes.
(4) Project closeout phase – Documents that must be received prior to phase approval include:
(a) Updated cost estimate form signed by a local agency official and the project engineer;
(b) Final summary of quantities; and
(c) Accounting history signed by a local agency official or the financial manager.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
47.26 RCW. WSR 22-07-023, § 479-05-051, filed 3/9/22, effective 4/9/22; WSR 12-08-060, § 479-05-051, filed 4/3/12, effective 5/4/12; WSR 07-18-050, § 479-05-051, filed 8/30/07, effective 9/30/07.]