The management and assignment of parking zones is designed to provide a parking space to permit holders. However, uncontrolled access to parking areas and unexpected parking demand make it impossible to guarantee a parking space in the permit holder's assigned zone. Staff and students are generally assigned to specific parking areas referred to as zones. Parking zones are color-coded with respect to their price and numbered with respect to the specific parking zone assignment of each permit holder. Permit holders may park in their assigned zone as reflected by the combination of color and number on their permit and corresponding sign, or they may park in other zones as described below.
(1) Orange permits. Orange permit holders may park in their numerically assigned orange zone, or in any green, red, or gray zone.
(2) Green permits. Green permit holders may park in their numerically assigned green zone, or in any red or gray zone.
(3) Red permits. Red permit holders may park in their numerically assigned red zone, or in any gray zone.
(4) Gray permits. Gray permit holders may park in any gray zone.