(1) Pesticides containing the active ingredient clopyralid that are labeled for use on cereal grains, grass used for hay, lawns and turf including golf courses can only be sold by licensed dealers to certified applicators or their duly authorized agents. In order to purchase such pesticides, certified applicators or their agents must have a valid certification, license or permit allowing them to use or purchase such pesticides.
(2) Pesticides containing clopyralid and labeled for uses on sites/crops in addition to cereal grains, grass used for hay, lawns and turf including golf courses may be sold by licensed dealers to noncertified applicators if the noncertified applicator signs the sales invoice or sales slip indicating that the pesticide will not be applied to cereal grains, grass used for hay, lawns and turf including golf courses.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
15.58, 17.21, and
34.05 RCW. WSR 02-12-017, ยง 16-228-12352, filed 5/28/02, effective 6/28/02.]