All dry formulations (such as wettable powders or water dispersible granules) of ziram labeled for use on pears are hereby declared state restricted use pesticides because of dermal effects to persons exposed while working in Bosc pear orchards.
(1) Growers shall observe the Environmental Protection Agency restricted entry interval label requirements following any treatment with dry wettable formulations of ziram before entering or allowing persons to enter pear orchards without personal protective clothing.
(2) Any entry during the restricted entry interval shall follow chapter
16-233 WAC, Worker protection standards, regarding handler, farm worker safety, and early-entry handler requirements.
(3) Growers shall observe an additional fourteen days after an application before entering or allowing workers to enter Bosc pear orchards without personal protective clothing as defined below.
(4) For the purposes of this section, minimum personal protective clothing shall consist of: A long-sleeved shirt; long-legged pants; socks; and chemical resistant gloves.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
17.21, 15.58,
34.05 RCW. WSR 03-22-029, ยง 16-228-1238, filed 10/28/03, effective 11/28/03.]