PDFWAC 16-228-2045

Complete wood destroying organism inspection reports.

(1) Any report that identifies damage or infestation by WDOs or, conditions conducive to damage or infestation by WDOs pursuant to the sale, exchange, or refinancing of any structure or, as a result of telephone solicitation by an inspection, pest control, or other business, must be a complete WDO inspection report and must comply with this section. The terms "Report" or "report" as used in this section will mean a complete WDO inspection report.
(2) Report form: A written report may take any form in presentation, provided that all elements of this section are included and identifiable.
(3) A complete WDO inspection report must be issued to the person paying for and/or otherwise requesting the inspection.
(4) Report contents: Reports must contain the information identified in this section, when and where applicable.
(a) Washington state department of agriculture inspection control number (WSDA ICN): A WSDA ICN must be obtained in accordance with the provisions of RCW 15.58.450 and be prominently displayed in the upper third of the front page of each report. This number must be unique to the structure(s) subject to the report. The assigned WSDA ICN must follow the original report and supplemental reports (if any) pertaining to the sale, exchange, or refinancing activity on a property for a specific client. A new WSDA ICN must be issued for any subsequent sale, exchange, or refinancing activity.
(b) Date: The date the inspection was conducted must be provided on the first page of the report.
(c) Parties involved in the real estate transaction: The name of the property owner, their designated representative, or purchaser of the inspection report must be identified on the first page of the report.
(d) Address of structure inspected: The complete address will include, but is not limited to, building number, street name, city, and state and must be identified on the first page of the report. Where multiple structures at a property may have the same basic address, a building letter, unit number, or other recognizable method must be used to identify the specific building inspected.
(e) Inspector: The name of the inspector and WSDA license number must be provided on the first page of the report.
(5) Report of findings: A complete WDO inspection report must detail the findings of the inspector. The following minimum conditions, where applicable, must be in the body of the report.
(a) Damage and/or infestation by WDOs: The report must identify any damage or infestation by WDOs on or in the structure.
(b) Conditions conducive to damage and/or infestation by WDOs must be explained in narrative form in accordance with the provisions of WAC 16-228-2025. When evidence of moisture ants, dampwood termites, wood infesting anobiids, or wood decay fungi is detected during a complete WDO inspection, the inspector must identify and report the condition(s) conducive to such infestations. It must be stated in the report that such infestations may be eliminated by removal of all infested wood and correction of any contributing conducive conditions.
(c) When reporting conducive conditions, the inspector must describe the condition and annotate the diagram with an approximate location of that condition. Provided that; if conducive conditions within the interior of the structure can be clearly described in the report findings, diagramed representation of such conditions is not required.
(d) Inaccessible areas will be fully identified in narrative form where such areas are annotated on the report diagram.
(e) Excluded areas: The report must list all excluded areas not already defined in WAC 16-228-2005 (2)(i) as inaccessible.
(6) Diagrams: A diagram must be prepared for each inspection report. Upon request, a copy must be provided to the person paying for and/or otherwise requesting the inspection.
(a) A diagram is not required when there are no findings as described in WAC 16-228-2015 and 16-228-2025.
(b) Scaled diagrams are not required; however, diagrams must reasonably resemble the perimeter or footprint of the building being inspected and legibly convey any information that is a required part of the diagram.
(c) Diagrams must identify the approximate location of inaccessible areas.
(d) Diagrams must identify the approximate location of WDOs, damage, and/or conducive conditions leading to an infestation of WDOs.
(e) Where abbreviations are used on a diagram, a legend must be provided to explain the abbreviations.
(f) When a diagram is not provided as part of the report, the following statement must appear in a prominent location. "WAC 16-228-2045 requires that a diagram be prepared for WDO inspection reports. A copy is available upon request."
(g) Locations for this statement include, but are not limited to, the following:
(i) Above or beneath the WSDA ICN;
(ii) On written documents such as preinspection agreements or attachments to the report.
(h) This statement must stand out by having larger print than the main body of the report, be highlighted, or be in bold print.
(7) Excluded areas must be annotated on the diagram.
(8) A record of all complete WDO inspection reports prepared for real estate transactions or resulting from telephone solicitation must be maintained on file by the inspecting firm for a period of four years. Upon written request, these records must be made available to the WSDA.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.58.040 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 02-24-025, ยง 16-228-2045, filed 11/27/02, effective 12/28/02.]