Category | Crop Kind | Additional Crops in each Category *1 |
1 | Alfalfa and Clover | Alfalfa, Black Medic, Clover, Milkvetch, Sainfoin, Trefoil |
2 | Bean | Bean |
3 | Beet | Beet |
4 | Bentgrass, Redtop | Bentgrass, Redtop |
5 | Bluegrass | Bluegrass, all types except Native and Reclamation |
6 | Brassica Species | Brassica Species, Camelina |
7 | Brome | Brome: Mountain, Smooth, Meadow |
8 | Fescue | Fescue: Tall and Meadow |
9 | Fescue, all others | Fescue: Arizona, Blue, Blue Hard, Chewings, Creeping, Hard, Idaho, Red, Sheep |
10 | Flax | Flax, all types |
11 | Hemp | Hemp, all types |
12 | Orchardgrass | Orchardgrass |
13 | Peas and other large seeded legumes | Peas, Chickpeas, Lentil, Lupine, Vetch |
14 | Ryegrass (perennial or annual) | Ryegrass (perennial or annual) |
15 | Sudangrass | Sudangrass |
16 | Timothy | Timothy |
17 | Fruit and Vegetable | Fruit and Vegetables: Arugula, Asparagus, Any Berries, Cantaloupe, Carrot, Celery, Corn, Coriander, Cucumber, Dill, Eggplant, Endive, Leek, Lettuce, Okra, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Pepper, Pumpkin, Radish, Swiss chard, Spinach, Squash, Tomato, Watermelon |
18 | Grain (500 g. or 1000 g.) | Wheat, Triticale, Sunflower, Sorghum, Safflower, Rye, Rice, Millet, Buckwheat, Barley, Oats, Emmer, Spelt |
19 | Other native species and flowers (test requires 400 seed TZ according to AOSA rules) | Green needlegrass, Needle and Thread, Penstemon |
20 | Native and Reclamation Grass | Bluestem, Buffalograss, Lovegrass, Sand dropseed, Sideoats, Squirreltail, Wheatgrass (Crested, Intermediate, Pubescent, Siberian, Slender, Tall, Thickspike, and Western), Wildrye, Indian ricegrass, Junegrass, Oatgrass, Native and Reclamation bluegrass |
21 | Woody Plants and Forbs (natives) | Bitterbrush, Echinacea, Kochia, Yarrow, Sagebrush, Rabbitbrush, Native buckwheat, Native clover |
*1 | Crops not listed in the above table will be charged by the category that they best fit into. |