PDFWAC 16-663-110


(1) Installation - Setting up for use, connecting or adjusting any new, used or remanufactured commercial weighing or measuring device being placed into service.
(2) Placed in service - To cause or permit the commercial usage of any commercial weighing or measuring device.
(3) Returned to service - The instance where servicepersons or service agencies are called upon to service, repair, or recondition a commercial weighing or measuring device that has been "rejected," ordered "out of service," or "condemned" by weights and measures officials with the intent of placing such a device back into service.
(4) Registered serviceperson - Any individual who for hire, award, commission, or any other payment of any kind, installs, services, repairs, or reconditions a commercial weighing or measuring device, and who registers himself as such with the director.
(5) Registered service agent - Any agent, firm, partnership, company, or corporation, which, for hire, award, commission, or any other payment of any kind, installs, services, repairs, or reconditions a commercial weighing or measuring device, and which registers with the director.
(6) Commercial weighing and measuring device - Any weight or measure or weighing or measuring device commercially used or employed in establishing the size, quantity, extent, area, or measurement of quantities, things, produce, or articles for distribution or consumption, purchased, offered or submitted for sale, hire, or award, or in computing any basic charge or payment for services rendered on the basis of weight, measure or count. It shall include any accessory attached to or used in connection with a commercial weighing or measuring device when the accessory is designed or installed so that its operation affects, or may affect, the accuracy, correctness, or indication of the device.
(7) Reciprocity - The mutual cooperative interchange of rights and agreements between any other state or states that have similar rules and laws concerning registered service agents and recognition of standards.
(8) Laboratory - The metrology laboratory of any state, agency, or any recognized private industry metrology laboratory as determined by the director. All such laboratories must possess current appropriate National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) certifications.
(9) Accuracy - Commercial weighing or measuring devices are considered accurate when the performance or value - That is, its indications, its deliveries, its recorded representations, or its capacity or actual value, etc., as determined by tests made with suitable standards - Conforms to the standards, tolerances and other performance requirements set forth in the edition of National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 currently adopted by the director.
(10) Correct - A weighing or measuring device is considered correct when in addition to being accurate, it meets all applicable specifications and requirements as set forth in the edition of National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbook 44 currently adopted by the director.
(11) Certification - A document provided by the director to service agents registered with the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.94.010, 19.94.190. WSR 00-22-072, ยง 16-663-110, filed 10/30/00, effective 11/30/00.]