(Effective March 15, 2024)

PDFWAC 51-54A-3306

Fire protection systems and devices.

3306.1 Fire protection devices. The site safety director shall ensure that all fire protection equipment is maintained and serviced in accordance with this code. Fire protection equipment shall be inspected in accordance with the fire protection program.
3306.2 Impairment of fire protection systems. The site safety director shall ensure impairments to any fire protection system are in accordance with Section 901.
3306.3 Smoke detectors and smoke alarms. Smoke detectors and smoke alarms located in an area where airborne construction dust is expected shall be covered to prevent exposure to dust or shall be temporarily removed. Smoke detectors and alarms that were removed shall be replaced upon conclusion of dust-producing work. Smoke detectors and smoke alarms that were covered shall be inspected and cleaned, as necessary, upon conclusion of dust-producing work.
3306.4 Temporary covering of fire protection devices. Coverings placed on or over fire protection devices to protect them from damage during construction processes shall be immediately removed upon the completion of the construction processes in the room or area in which the devices are installed.
3306.5 Automatic sprinkler system. In buildings where an automatic sprinkler system is required by this code or the International Building Code, it shall be unlawful to occupy any portion of a building or structure until the automatic sprinkler system installation has been tested and approved, except as provided in Section 105.3.4.
3306.5.1 Operation of valves. Operation of sprinkler control valves shall be allowed only by properly authorized personnel and shall be accompanied by notification of duly designated parties. Where the sprinkler protection is being regularly turned off and on to facilitate connection of newly completed segments, the sprinkler control valves shall be checked at the end of each work period to ascertain that protection is in service.
3306.6 Portable fire extinguishers. Structures under construction, alteration or demolition shall be provided with not less than one approved portable fire extinguisher in accordance with Section 906 and sized for not less than ordinary hazard as follows:
1. At each stairway on all floor levels where combustible materials have accumulated.
2. In every storage and construction shed.
3. Additional portable fire extinguishers shall be provided where special hazards exist including, but not limited to, the storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27.031 and 19.27.074. WSR 22-13-093, 23-12-107, and 23-20-027, ยง 51-54A-3306, filed 6/14/22, 6/7/23, and 9/25/23, effective 3/15/24.]