PDFWAC 110-302-0085

Family partnerships and communication.

(1) ONB providers must communicate with families to identify individual children's developmental goals for each preschool-age child enrolled in the ONB program.
(2) ONB providers must attempt to obtain information from each child's family about that child's developmental, behavioral, health, linguistic, cultural, social, and other relevant information. ONB providers must make this attempt upon that child's enrollment and annually thereafter.
(3) ONB providers must determine how the ONB program can best accommodate each child's individual characteristics, strengths, and needs. ONB providers must utilize the information in subsection (2) of this section and seek input from family members and staff familiar with a child's behavior, developmental, and learning patterns.
(4) ONB providers must:
(a) Attempt to discuss with parents or guardians information including, but not limited to:
(i) A child's strength in areas of development, health issues, special needs, and other concerns;
(ii) Family routines or events, approaches to parenting, family beliefs, culture, language, and child rearing practices;
(iii) Internal transitions within the ONB program and transitions to external services or ONB programs, as necessary;
(iv) Collaboration between the ONB provider and the parent or guardian in behavior management; and
(v) A child's progress, at least two times per year, for preschool-age children;
(b) Communicate the importance of regular attendance for the preschool-age child;
(c) Give parents or guardians the ONB program's contact information for questions or concerns;
(d) Give families opportunities to share their language and culture in the ONB program;
(e) Arrange a confidential time and space for individual conversations regarding children, as needed;
(f) Allow parents or guardians access to their child during normal hours of operation, except as excluded by a court order; and
(g) Communicate verbally or in writing:
(i) Changes in drop-off and pickup arrangements as needed; and
(ii) Daily activities.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.216.742. WSR 23-10-059, ยง 110-302-0085, filed 5/1/23, effective 6/1/23.]