(1) ONB programs operating with a permanently located outdoor classroom must have accessible and child-size furniture and equipment in sufficient quantity for the number of children in care. ONB programs may use picnic benches in sufficient quantity for the number of children in care, with adaptations to support children as needed, or provide alternative seating and surface options, such as blankets or logs.
(2) If utilized by an ONB program, furniture and equipment must be:
(a) Maintained in a safe working condition;
(b) Developmentally and age appropriate;
(c) Visually inspected at least weekly for hazards, broken parts, or damage. All equipment with hazardous, broken parts or damage must be repaired as soon as possible and must be inaccessible to children until repairs are made according to the manufacturer's instructions, if available. Natural materials of an ONB program, such as logs and trees, must be inspected and any hazards that are not a result of the natural quality of the material must be mitigated, such as the removal of broken limbs from climbing trees;
(d) Arranged in a way that does not interfere with other play equipment;
(e) Installed and assembled according to manufacturer's specifications;
(f) Stored in a manner to prevent injury; and
(g) Accessible to the child's height so that children can find, use, and return materials independently.
(3) Subsection (2)(a) through (g) of this section may not apply to ONB programs operating in public areas where the equipment is not the property of the ONB provider and not intended for the use of the children.
(4) ONB programs must provide and maintain a space that is suitable for comfort and relaxation, pursuant to WAC
110-302-0140 (2) and (5).
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.216.742. WSR 23-10-059, ยง 110-302-0135, filed 5/1/23, effective 6/1/23.]