PDFWAC 110-302-0197

Safe food practices.

(1) ONB providers must wash their hands, pursuant to WAC 110-302-0200.
(2) For all foods offered by ONB providers or given to an enrolled child by a parent or guardian, ONB providers must:
(a) Provide appropriate refrigeration to preserve foods from spoiling. Foods that may be subject to spoiling include, but are not limited to, meats, cooked potatoes, cooked legumes, cooked rice, sprouts, cut melons, cut cantaloupes, milk, and cheese; and
(b) Refrigerate foods requiring refrigeration at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or less, and freeze foods required to be frozen at 10 degrees Fahrenheit or less.
(3) Food must be stored as follows:
(a) In original containers or in clean, labeled, dated, and airtight food grade containers, if appropriate;
(b) Food not required to be refrigerated or frozen must not be stored directly on the floor;
(c) In a manner that prevents contamination;
(d) Food and food service items, such as utensils, napkins, and dishes, must not be stored in an area with toxic materials, such as cleaning supplies, paint, or pesticides;
(e) Raw meat must be stored in the refrigerator or freezer below cooked or ready to eat foods; and
(f) To keep food below a temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit, an ONB program may store food in a cooler using ice or icepacks.
(4) For food requiring temperature control, ONB programs must maintain a food temperature log by using a calibrated and working metal stem-type or digital food thermometer.
(5) Prior to storing leftover food in a refrigerator or freezer, ONB providers must label the food with the date the leftover food was opened or cooked.
(6) ONB providers may serve leftover food that originated from the ONB program if the leftover food was not previously served and complies with the following:
(a) Refrigerated leftover food must be stored and then served again within 48 hours of originally being prepared; or
(b) Frozen leftover food must be promptly served after thawing and being cooked.
(7) Frozen food must be thawed by one of the following methods:
(a) In a refrigerator;
(b) Under cool running water inside a pan placed in a sink with the drain plug removed; or
(c) In a microwave if the food is to be cooked as part of the continuous cooking process.
(8) Food that is past the manufacturer's expiration or "best served by" date must not be served to enrolled children.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.216.742. WSR 23-10-059, ยง 110-302-0197, filed 5/1/23, effective 6/1/23.]